Monday 28 January 2019

10 Things Your Man Definitely Wants To Hear From You

2019-01-28 07:01:46 PM

Don’t buy into the whole idea that men are non-emotional beings who couldn’t care less about what their women do or say in a relationship. Men can be very sensitive even if they don’t really like to show it much. Your man is still going to want to feel a lot of love and affection coming from you in your relationship. They might not be as expressive as you are when it comes to their feelings and emotions. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t feel.
A lot of it boils down to what you say and how you act in your relationship. There might be a few things that your man is itching to hear from you and you’re not really saying it to him. And if you want to be the best girlfriend in the world, then you might want to read the rest of this article. Here are a few things that your man is actually dying to hear from you.
1. “You are so handsome.”
All men are always going to want to be made to feel like their women are physically attracted to them. You should never be shy about telling your man that you find him handsome. He is always going to love whatever compliments you throw his way regarding his appearance.
2. “You really make me so proud.”
With every opportunity you can get to tell your man that you’re proud of him, you should take it. He is always going to like it whenever you make him feel like you are genuinely proud of being his girlfriend. It’s going to inspire him to actually do more and be more for you.
3. “Have you been working out more?”
If you know that he’s been putting in some extra effort at the gym, then make him feel like you notice it. Even if you don’t really see any major differences, he’s going to want to know that all of his hard work at the gym is paying off.

4. “I want to make love to you right now.”
You probably already know by now that your partner is going to want to have sex with you a lot more than you wanting to have sex with him. But you should humor him every once in a while. You should actually initiate the sexual moments in your relationship every so often. It’s going to make him feel very sexy in your eyes.

5. “You are absolutely amazing!” (in the bedroom)
And once you’re having sexual time in the bedroom, then let him know about how good he is. A lot of men are secretly insecure about how they perform in the bedroom. And you shouldn’t be withholding of whatever admiration you might have for him in a sexual capacity.
6. “It’s okay if you want to talk to me about something.”
You should also be willing to let him know that it’s okay for him to open up to you about various things in life. So many men don’t really feel safe about opening up to anyone. But if you give him the confidence to do so, it’s really going to bring the two of you a lot closer in your relationship.
7. “I totally trust you.”
Trust. There’s no way you would be able to make your relationship last without it. And you should always make it a point to make sure that your man knows that you trust him. Men don’t really respond well to being micromanaged to the point that they are made to feel like babies or idiots.
8. “Thank you so much for everything that you do to me.”
Gratitude. It can really go a long way in any kind of relationship. If you know that your man is doing a lot for your relationship, then you should be thankful for all of that You should let him know that his efforts aren’t unnoticed.
9. “I am here for you every step of the way.”
You need to make your man feel supported all the way. You need to make him feel like you always have his back no matter what. He’s going to need a high level of safety, security, and reliability from you.
10. “What else can I do to make you happy?”
And of course, you should always be doing whatever it takes to make him happy. Ask him how you can be of better service to him as a girlfriend. And he’s going to want to do the same for you as well.
At the end of the day, your man is always going to be want to feel loved and appreciated. And if you step up your communication game, it’s really going to do wonders for the intimacy and bonds in your relationship. Never be withholding of your love and affection. Always make sure that your partner feels just how much he means to you. That will further entice him to love you more and become invested in the future of your relationship.


Unattractive Things Men Don't Know They Do

2019-01-28 06:48:34

Guys might complain about all the unintentional turn-offs that girls are committing, but they have their own fair share of unattractive moves that we’d like to call out as well. Here are the most annoying that we can remember.

1. When guys spit in the street excessively.</strong> We get it – sometimes, sinus and congestion problems make it hard not to be gross occasionally. But when they do it excessively and constantly spit between talking, it’s a turn-off.

2. When all they do is play video or computer games. </strong>Then, when game time is over, they’re ready for sexy time. Sorry, bro, but watching you play Call of Duty didn’t really work as foreplay for me.
3. When they act too much like an alpha male and get a puffed up ego about things,</strong> otherwise known as a big head. Nothing like a tall order of narcissism to make a guy hideous.
4. When they talk about how much money they make all the time, </strong>or namedrop celebrities they casually know or may have worked with. Doesn’t look like paparazzi is following us and women don’t have a price tag anyway, so bye.

5. When they’re a total a commas boy.</strong> We love when guys care abut their families and show their mom the love and respect they deserve. But when there are no boundaries between them and you start being seen as a threat by his mom, things can get very weird.

Thursday 24 January 2019


7 Signs You’ve Found A Good Woman

What exactly makes up a good woman? For every reasonable sane man out there, undoubtedly, a good woman would always be the main target for their affections. These women are the ones that men spend day and night trying to win over. These are the kinds of girls who effortlessly make the hearts of every man they encounter skip a beat. These are the kinds of women you could never bring down or trample upon. They are the strong and independent women of the world who go after what they want. They don’t let anything scare them into passivity or submission. These are the kinds of women who know what they want out of life and who aren’t afraid of putting in some hard work.
There is no wonder that men pursue these women with utmost rigor. Sometimes though, men can be really stupid. They take advantage of these women. They abuse these women. And in the end, when the good woman has had enough and chooses to walk out on him, it’s the man who is at a loss. The good woman is always the one who gets the last laugh. She has her fair share of trials but she always knows how to overcome them.
So that’s why if you’re a man who is lucky enough to capture the romantic interests of a strong woman, then make sure that you don’t let that opportunity slip. Make sure that you always value her with all of her heart. Make her smile to her heart’s content and never leave her feeling sad or neglected. Give her all of the attention that she needs. In return, you will be assured that you will also be taken care of. You will also be given the kind of love that you deserve. You will have a strong, beautiful, and independent woman at your side who will be willing to face life’s tough challenges with you.
Don’t be that stupid guy who doesn’t know a good woman when he sees her. If you don’t see the value of your woman, you will most certainly end up taking her for granted and she will not react well to that. Value her like the queen that she is. So how do you know when you’ve managed to land a good woman? There are a few signs that you could be on the lookout for.
1. You have great rapport and emotional chemistry.
Chemistry is very important in any relationship. Each of us as individuals will have our good and bad qualities. It’s only normal. The key in being in a balanced and steady relationship with someone is if our individual personalities manage to complement each other well. That’s why it’s important for men to never let go of women they have great chemistry with.
2. You think alike.
Another great indicator of longevity in the relationship is if the both of you think alike. When your girl is somehow able to know how you’re thinking or feeling at a particular situation, then that means she knows how to make you happy and not to upset you. It’s also a good indicator how compatible you are as a couple. – Continue reading on the next page
3. You both love each other at the same pace and intensity.
You never rush each other into anything. You never force one another to speed up or slow down in the relationship. You both intuitively know how to love each other and at what pace you want your relationship to develop. You respect each other enough to never impose anything on one another.
4. There is no shortage of humor in your relationship.
Laughter can fix many things especially in relationships. The ultimate goal in life is to be happy. So what could be better than finding a girl who manages to bring joy and laughter into your life on a daily basis? If you’re in a relationship with a girl who makes you laugh, then don’t take it for granted.
5. She respects you the way that you deserve.
Respect is the bedrock for any relationship whether romantic or not. Two human beings cannot possibly coexist when there is no respect between them. That’s why a good indication that you’ve found a great woman is when she always respects you the way that you ought to be respected. – Continue reading on the next page
6. She makes you rethink your priorities in life.
She has this uncanny spell over you. She makes you feel things that you’ve never felt before. She has forced you to reexamine your life in ways that you never thought anyone could. She is such a huge part of your life now that you really want to accommodate you in your life for the rest of your days.
7. You both share similar expectations about the future.
You both have optimistic views of the future. You aren’t afraid of talking about future plans with each other. You see a future together and you’re both excited at the thought of it.

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Wednesday 23 January 2019

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Friday 4 January 2019

2018 Nursing and Midwifery Results are out now

Nursing and Midwifery Council Releases 2018 Licensing Examination Results

The results of the Nursing and Midwifery licensing exams have written in September 2018 is out now, the management of the Nursing and Midwifery Council has announced.
The management council is announcing therefore that all candidate who wrote the licensing exams for the basic programmes in September 2018 that their results, as approved by the 14th Governing Board of the Council, has been released.
Candidates are therefore requested to visit their schools for their results and proceed to our regional offices to commence the registration process.
Kindly contact the call center of the Council on 0200862772 for further information.

Thursday 3 January 2019


Conàñ Àdjêi Michimeland is feeling crazy with Aristo DE Papaand 4 others.
6 hrs
Please whether you are a man or a woman,
stop what you are doing and read this now.
Each time you masturbate, you donate
sperm to the demonic kingdom.
Masturbation is like having sex in dreams,
each time you release, you in-pregnante a
demon and as a woman, each time you are
masturbating, you are having sex with a
demon and sometimes get pregnanted by a
Have you ever wondered how you see
yourself with children or breastfeeding a
baby in dreams when physically you have
That's the demon or demons you gave birth
Last Sunday during the One on One section,
a very intelligent man came to me to
complain that he had an accident in 2014
and lost his car, he nearly lost his life but
God saved him.
From 2014 he had been applying to get
money from the government an "accident
grant" but the money was not given to him.
Each time he goes to claim his money he
would be told to come today, come
tomorrow and this money is over a million
As I was praying for him, God revealed to
me that he had donated all his fortune to
the demons, he masturbate 4 to 5 times a
When I asked him he agreed and asked me
to deliver him, I prayed for him and told him
that tonight, you will have a dream, a
woman will come to make love to you, catch
her and pull out a ring from her, that will be
the end of your problems.
Yesterday he had a dream, his former
classmate came to make love to him, he
caught her, pulled out a ring from her finger
and woke up immediately.
Today at exactly 3:45pm, he received an
alart, R1.3 million Rands has been paid into
his account by ROAD ACCIDENT FUNDS.I can still remember back in my secondary at City comprehensive Orba I couldn't count how many boy's and girls that Have come To Me complaining that They can't Stop mastrubation I prayed For some Of them that God Will forgive them.
Many of you would have been so rich now
but because of masturbation, your wealth,
good luck and happiness have been
donated to demons.
Distance is not a barrier, I pray for anyone
that will Type Amen and share this post, the demon that is
eating your fortune will divorce you forever
in the mighty name of Jesus.
I return your fortunes in Jesus name.
Give no room for the devil to manipulate your life.


NPP Man falls for Sammy Gyamfi but... (Audio)

A communication team member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has praised the National Communications Officer of the National Democ...