Things to Talk About for a Healthy Relationship
Is love enough to make a relationship last long? No, it isn’t. A healthy relationship requires not only love, but also good communication between the couple. Without things to talk about, a couple will feel bored, doesn’t matter how often they meet. This way, it will be impossible to maintain a healthy relationship. But it often happens to run out of ideas of what to talk with your partner. Don’t worry about it. We have some ideas of topics below, that you can pick and bring up during your evening conversation with your beloved one.

Things to Talk About for a Healthy Relationship

Childhood idols

It often brings laughter when you talk about your childhood idols. It’s because the reason of idolizing is often very simple and sometimes ridiculous. Taking about childhood idols and stories can be a very entertaining and stress relieving subject for both of you.

Embarrassing moments

This topic is sometimes avoided by girls, because they don’t want to look ridiculous in front of their lovers. Get rid of that thought! Love is not only about loving your handsome part, but also accepting your ugly or funny part. So just feel relaxed in sharing that kind of  stories. This kind of conversations mostly ends up with an unstoppable laughter. You only have to try it!

Future plans, goals and dreams

Planning, setting goals and of course dreaming are some of the few things in this world that are still for free! No matter if you are married or not these three little things can be very refreshing for your relationship. There are so many things you haven’t done yet in your life. Planning your wedding or a dream journey, buying a little silly thing or even having kids or setting up a carrier goal, all are very interesting topics you can discuss openly with you partner.If you are both discussing this kind of topics, you can be sure that your relationship is on good way!
Loving You is The Best Thing I've Done In My Life

Daily problems

Whether it is school, family or work problems, you can always talk with your honey about them. Both of you will feel relief as you aren’t alone to deal with them. A nice advice from your partner or the support he will show, will make these problems easier to face. As we all know, facing problems together, makes the relationship stronger.

Holiday outing

It’s never early to plan your holidays. If you can’t find things to talk about with your partner, then this is the most entertaining topic. It’s really relaxing, getting back home from work and you have such an exciting thing to talk about.

Personal Fears

It may sound as a negative topic, bit actually it isn’t. Sharing your personal fears can raise your partner’s affection. It’s also a way to overcome these fears, with a positive reaction from your partner and you will get closer and closer.

Past relationships

It’s quite a risky topic to bring up. But the point here is not to compare and to find which one is better between past and present relationship. Not either to compare past and present girlfriend or boyfriend. With pure right intention and strong will, this topic can even make your present relationship grow stronger and last longer as you can learn from past mistakes. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Keep the trust between you two.

Sweet memories during dating

It will always be fun and romantic if you ask your darling when was the first time he/she fell in love or the reactions when fell in love with you. The anxiety and embarrassment felt, before declaring his love to you or even stupid things done in order to get your attention. Girls always find this topic very interesting and romantic that they always want their darling to tell them more and more, again and again doesn’t matter how often they have heard about it already. I believe that’s very interesting for men too.

Funny things and Jokes

Dating is not always about being lovey dovey all the time. Telling funny things happen in your daily life or even jokes is the new romantic thing. Girls always like it when their man makes them laugh, because laughter shows happiness. Both of you can take turn sharing funny things. It’s not a must to be a joke. Just simple funny things happening in your life, like wearing socks of different color will do.


How much do you know about your lover’s hobbies? It will be very ridiculous if you have been a couple for quite a long time, and you don’t know what his or her hobbies are. Sharing about hobbies surely will excite you a lot as you may find things in common between you two. Even when you don’t have something in common, at least you will be able to understand your partner more that will lead to a more healthy and stable relationship.

Favorite Food

Food is a topic that is too interesting to be missed. You can share about your favorite food or even discuss about which restaurant to go. Talking about a recipe to try is also fun. You can ask your sweetheart to choose which recipe to try and promise her or him to make that food. It’s surely romantic knowing how much you care about your honey. They will absolutely be touched by this.


Family has always been a big part in someone’s life. Taking about your families, will make you to know and understand your darling and the family more than before. Talking about this topic will also show your intention to know her or him better. It’s an easy way to show your partner how much you care about him.


Gossiping is something fun that draws the attention of both girls and boys. Talking about how an actor leads a life, how productive a singer is and how controversial an actress can be is surely interesting. Imagining how your life would be if you were an actor will amuse both of you.

Favorite Movies

“Movies” has always been the most interesting topic to bring up during your talk with your darling. Both of you can share about the genre of movies that you like and dislike. You can also talk about the most anticipated movies, movies on the cinema, the most popular ones and even which movie to watch during a date. Feel the enthusiasm while sharing which will make your evening talk become very fun.