Friday 17 May 2019

So Sad: Man Release From Prison Returns Home To Find His Wife With Another Man… See What Happened Next

Amoh Mensah, an ex-convict released from the Nsawam Prison in Ghana, got the shock of his life when he realized that his wife had dumped him for another man.

According to the Executive Director of Crime Check Foundation, Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng, Amo Mensah spent the first night of his release on the streets after discovering that his wife of many years couldn’t wait for him.

Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng shared the story of Mensah on his Facebook page:
“Most ex-convicts re-offend and go back to Prison because of stigma and lack of job opportunities. That’s why Crime Check Foundation in collaboration with Christian Atsu has come up with the CCF Reintegration Project which seeks to support ex-convicts with means of livelihood. Amo Mensah is one of the beneficiaries. After coming out of Prison two weeks ago to hear his wife is married to another man, he had to spend the night on the street. Through our new initiative, he has been given five sacks of belts to sell for a living. That is our contribution to reducing crime among ex-convicts in Ghana. The devil, they say finds work for idle hands”.

Christian Atsu and his crew help free another 12 prisoners from James Camp Prison

Ghanaian football icon Christian Atsu in collaboration with Crime Check Foundation led by Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng have been doing their best to free inmates who were jailed for petty crimes.
For example, some people were sent to jail for stealing ‘common’ banana, some were jailed because they couldn’t afford a fine of GHC300.

Looking at the weight of their crimes, one can see that they don’t deserve to be in jail.
So what Christian Atsu do in partnership with Crime Check Foundation is, they try to free some of these people who became ‘victims of circumstances’ and try to make life better for them even after they’re freed.

Christian Atsu and his team help free another 12 prisoners from James Camp Prison.


As usual, their charges are familiar …. Stealing of banana, corn dough, fighting, debt, etc. Much as such petty crimes should not be condoned, what is the sense in putting the offenders behind bars and feeding them with the tax payers money.
A person could not pay a court fine of three hundred cedis, so you put him in jail for three years and feed him? Calculate the cost involved in feeding him for three years against the court fine. Just don’t know what is preventing Parliament from passing the Non-Custodial Sentencing Bill into law. These guys should be made to work!

As usual, their charges are familiar .... Stealing of banana, cocoa beans , fighting, debt, etc. Much as such petty crimes should not be condoned, what is the sense in putting the offenders behind bars and feeding them with the tax payers money. A person could not pay a court fine of three hundred cedis, so you put him in jail for three years and feed him? Calculate the cost involved in feeding him for three years against the court fine. Just don't know what is preventing Parliament from passing the Non-Custodial Sentencing Bill into law. These guys should be made to work! Our gutters are choked. The country stinks!

Wednesday 15 May 2019

IF YOU WERE BORN TO BE A MAN Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.

Dear Men

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.

Sometimes I wonder where you draw your strength from. 😬😬
You stay for months without buying clothes for yourself all because you want to put food on the table...👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
You stay hungry just so your family can eat and survive.. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
You get dressed and leave the house without direction, but you come back home with money after toiling day and night.. 💁

Some of you have been embarrassed, disgraced and abused because you can't afford to get a decent job and when you bring home peanuts, they throw it right back in your face.. 🗣
I know how you have deprived yourself of basic education just so your children can eat.. 🤗
Most times you are insulted, abused by people you are older than, but you take the insults all because of your wife and kids.. 🤗

“Man is born to live, to suffer, and to die, and what befalls him is a tragic lot. There is no denying this in the final end. But we must deny it all along the way.”

said by: Thomas Wolfe 

Your parents look up to you for survival and they don't even care if you have a job or not, you just have to provide for the family.. 🐾🐾
You pay huge bride prices just to marry the woman you love and you end up taking care of her family, take care of her siblings and even train some of them.. 🤐🤐
How you do all these amazes me and I pray the good lord to bless your hustle.. AMEN!
Stay alive for your mother, your wife and your kids!! , and your loved ones in general.
Dear men, thou art blessed!

Man is not born to suffer. The human being is born to enjoy. It is our inherent right, for joy is within us. We are children of light. We are the manifestation of that eternal essence which can only be called love.
As we go deeper through our meditational and spiritual practices, the movements of love become less and less. Then the reality of love is known . . . stillness.
Whatever the case might be, there has to be non attachment. For example, all of you sitting here, I love you passionately, deeply, profoundly; you can’t measure it. And yet, I am non attached to you; for it is not I that is loving you, as you. It is the Divinity within me which is one with the Divinity within you. That oneness, that fusion, is love.
The perception of a self-realized man is on such a vast scale, that the ordinary mind cannot comprehend him. If you want to see the top of one tree, you must stand on the top of another tree. Standing down here you don’t get the proper view. To really understand the total man we have to become total ourselves. The total man always has love and compassion in so much abundance, it extends to the whole earth, it extends to infinity. Nothing can weaken that love or compassion!
Women, please try to Appreciate and care for your men a bit. So that they can also have passion and inspire to live long on earth. 

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Some officers of the National Identification Authority (NIA) have been busted for allegedly registering people for the national identity card, Ghana Card at night.

Some officers of the National Identification Authority (NIA) have been busted for allegedly registering people for the national identity card, Ghana Card at night.

They were reportedly busted at a private residence at Awudome, near the St Theresa Catholic Church in Accra on Tuesday night [May 7] at about 7:30 pm.

It was some residents of the area, who claimed that upon a tip-off, they pounced on the officers who were reportedly working outside of the approved working hours for the national exercise, which is being done in phases and started two weeks ago in Greater Accra.

The National Identification Authority (NIA) started the mass registration and Ghana Card issuance exercise in the Greater Accra Region from Monday, April 29, 2019, and expected to end on Saturday, July 6, 2019.

The region has been divided into two zones: Accra West and Accra East, where registration centres have been opened at specific locations.

The official working hours for the registration officers close at 5 pm.

The residents who pounced on the officers carried the registration machines to the Kaneshie Police Station to lodge a complaint.

The police together with the complainants later visited the house where the exercise was reportedly taking place as part of investigations.

When Graphic Online visited the Kaneshie Police station at 10:10 pm on Tuesday, the registration equipment including a laptop, a fingerprint machine, a camera, registration forms, some of which had been partly filled, a birth certificate, a passport, ID card (national health insurance card), a printer and other accessories were at the police station as exhibits.

The investigator handling the case was seen taking statements from some of the complainants.

Graphic Online observed that the laptop had been turned on and the software for registering, labeled on a page as “Identity Management System” had been launched and the page for capturing demographic data had been opened.

There were, however, no suspects in custody, according to the police.

The private residence from where the items were reportedly seized is near the St Theresa Catholic Church at Awudome where the NIA has set up an official registration centre, according to the complainants.

According to the complainants, they received information that, since the exercise started, the registration officers have been registering people at night.

So on Tuesday, three of them decided to "lay ambush" and spring a surprise on them and when they stormed the house where the exercise was taking place between 7 pm and 7:30 pm, they alleged they saw about 30 people waiting in a queue to be registered.

They subsequently disrupted the exercise, seized the registration equipment and reported the case at the Kaneshie Police station.

Police officers later accompanied them to the house to interview some of the people in the house, they alleged.

When Graphic Online visited the Kaneshie Police station, the complainants and other eyewitnesses numbering more than 20 were still at the police station at about 10:10 pm on Tuesday.

The investigator handling the case declined to comment and explained his senior officers were the ones to speak on the matter and that can only be done on Wednesday morning.

Efforts to immediately get a comment from the NIA was also not successful.


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